• Last modified 5223 days ago (Oct. 22, 2010)


Thimm's interview brings new member to the fold

I just met with John Hansen, L/393, and his wife. John had no idea the 99th Infantry Division Association existed. He blocked out his war experiences and never looked back.

I found him to be a very sharp guy. He was in the ASTP at Arkansas State University before being routed to L/393 at Camp Maxey. He was evacuated from the line in November 1944, with trench foot prior to the Battle of the Bulge, but was back on line before Christmas. He was a BAR guy and went through the rest of the war without a scratch. He remembers Elsenborn Ridge very, very well.

I did a review of Bob Humphrey’s book for the Salem Statesman-Journal in December 2009. Based on the book review, the paper contacted me and asked me to sit for an interview. The interview is what prompted the call from John Hansen.

Joe Thimm K/395

6746 Continental Cir. SE

Salem OR 97306

EDITOR’S NOTE: Joe sent John Hansen’s address to the Checkerboard and he was added to the mailing list and membership roster. Thimm’s interview in the Salem Statesman-Journal is printed here.

Last modified Oct. 22, 2010