• Last modified 5412 days ago (April 16, 2010)


Share your memories

One of the members of the 99th Infantry Division, Shelby C. Melton, recently shared with me the 2009 second issue of the Checkerboard, which featured the Battle of the Bulge. Charles was in this battle and received a Purple Heart.

At 96 years old, his memory is not as good as it used to be but he still can remember many of the actions in which he was involved. He is fuzzy about some of the dates but he remembers he was injured on New Year’s Day 1945.

The purpose of my writing is to find out if you have information about the Battle of the Bulge that I can share with Charles. I am looking for a brief summary of this battle that includes significant dates he might remember.

William Hussey
1142 Adair Park Place
Orlando FL 32804

Last modified April 16, 2010