• Last modified 5426 days ago (April 16, 2010)


Remembering Ernest

It is with deep sadness I advise you of the death of my dear and close friend, Ernest D. McDaniel. His illness was short, as illnesses go for older people, and he died in mid-July 2009. He was a member of the 2nd platoon of F/393.

I first met Ernest while serving in a Brand Immaterial Replacement Training Center at Camp Fannin TX, in 1943. We were roommates while attending ASTP training at Louisiana State University, but shortly thereafter all of us went as replacements to the 99th at Camp Maxey TX.

We were together during the entire time we were in combat and Ernest was my real foxhole buddy. During the endless hours of foxhole time we learned everything about each other and liked what we learned. Both of us were lucky in that we were never wounded.

We remained friends after the war and met fairly often as we married and started growing our families and later into retirement years.

Ernest was a real, true friend.

John McCoy F/393
1115 Prestwick Pkwy
Rockford IL 61107-3745

Last modified April 16, 2010