• Last modified 5076 days ago (April 1, 2011)


Membership roster included in this issue

This issue of The Checkerboard features the current roster of members of the 99th Infantry Division Association. It has been some time since a roster issue was printed. The alphabetical list contains members with expiration dates of 2010 and later.

Those with a 2009 expiration date are listed at the end. They are not receiving The Checkerboard. Some have moved, lost interest in the association, or died.

It is not our intention to embarrass anyone by publishing expiration dates. Our reason is twofold. By publishing the expired list, we hope to get a few wayward members back in the fold. And, if there are deceased members listed, we can cull them from our records.

As always, if you or someone you know cannot afford the $10 membership dues, contact The Checkerboard and we will put them back on the mailing list. Many members generously include “a little extra” when they pay their dues, specifically for those who cannot pay.

Check the lists. Look for your buddies’ addresses. Contact them and remind them to make plans to attend the final convention in Overland Park KS in July. More details about the convention will be sent soon.

Send address changes or other information about folks on the list to The Checkerboard, PO Box 99, Marion KS 66861.

-Donna Bernhardt

Last modified April 1, 2011