• Last modified 4957 days ago (July 15, 2011)


99th Infantry Division is remembered by Camp Van Dorn, people of Centreville

The staff and volunteers of the Camp Van Dorn World War II Museum always look forward to reading my copy of the Checkerboard. I am the chief financial officer for the museum and an associate member of the 99th Infantry Division Association, and my dues are enclosed.

We at the museum understand that many veterans do not have happy memories of conditions at Camp Van Dorn. However, we would like you to know that there are numerous good people of Centreville who remember and honor the 99th Infantry Division by supporting this museum with their private funds. All members of the 99th Infantry Division are honored here and your division is well-represented. We have presented programs to many organizations and schools in southwest Mississippi. Most recently we presented a program at the annual conference of Mississippi Teachers of History, Economics and Geography. We are visited by Mississippi and Louisiana church groups, clubs and schools and we have had visitors from most states and some foreign countries. We never fail to explain and illustrate the sacrifices and the amazing accomplishments of the 99th, as well as those of other units who trained here.

Certainly, your legacy is well-documented in many books and movies, but nothing touches school children as much as seeing the artifacts and anecdotes visible in this museum. We are grateful for all you have done to preserve this country and to keep us safe. We have not forgotten you. We hope that you will recall some good from southwest Mississippi.

Emma Zell Knighton

PO Box 940

Centreville MS 39631

Last modified July 15, 2011